Achieving profitable growth has always required consumer brands to offer selections that not only resonate with rapidly evolving consumer tastes but also enrich retailers’ bottom lines. Today, more and more brands are also focused on expanding their Direct to Consumer (DTC) channels, increasing their market reach and growth potential.
OmniThink.AI enables consumer brands to exceed retailers expectations while also prospering in other channels including DTC and wholesale.
Brands can more effectively influence retailers’ product ranging decisions by offering innovative product designs powered by OmniThink.AI that are in tune with the latest consumer preferences.
Closely aligning marketing, product design and supply chain teams using AI capabilities around product innovation and planning lets brands stay top of mind with consumers while maximizing customer lifetime value.
Getting an accurate picture of true demand requires close partnerships between brands and retailers. With OmniThink.AI, brands can easily analyze and make the most of omnichannel sales and forecast data in order to make optimal inventory decisions.